Training: Performance testing

Rated with a 9.1
Upcoming start date 8 November 2024

Performance is an aspect that is becoming increasingly important in modern applications. Performance testing ensures that you gain insight into the performance and response times of a system that is subjected to a certain load.

This two-day training from Testsmith introduces you to the world of performance testing. Frustrated end-users, downtime, high bounce rates, and negative media attention can all be the result of poor application performance. Various studies show that better performance leads to better conversion rates. But how do you test that? During this training, we will conduct a complete performance testing process. From specifying scripts to executing and analyzing the results. You will take the performance test scripts home and can immediately apply them to your own situation.

Performance testing

Program for the Performance Testing Training

  • Introduction to performance testing
    • Goal
    • Consequences of not doing it
    • Types of performance testing
  • Server response times and user experience
  • Creating scripts
  • Implementing verification points
  • Exercises with JMeter

Target Audience for the Performance Testing Training

This training is intended for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of performance testing, especially testers and developers.

Experience with basic programming principles is not required, but some affinity with technology is recommended.

Format of the Performance Testing Training

The training is given in a group of at least 3 and at most 10 participants to ensure the quality of the training. The instructor explains the practical applicability using real-world examples.

This classroom training is interactive, meaning there is ample opportunity to ask questions or discuss your own practical cases. Through exercises, you will work out several scenarios, including stress testing, load testing, spike testing, and endurance testing.

Participants are required to bring their own laptop with local admin rights.

Objective of the Performance Testing Training

Are end-users frequently experiencing problems while using the website, application, or system? You may notice this through dissatisfied users, declining traffic, or a low conversion rate. To identify the performance problem, you conduct a performance testing process. The testing process can consist of different types of scripts, each with a specific goal. By performing these tests regularly before a release of new functionality, you ensure consistent performance and an improved user experience for your end-users. Sign up today and you will be independently conducting performance tests in no time!

Corporate/In-company training

Our corporate training offers tailor-made solutions that perfectly fit the specific needs of your company or organization. The training is flexible in terms of location and schedule, and can be held at your company’s location or elsewhere. Ideal for teams and consultancy firms. For a fixed price up to +/- 10 candidates.

Contact us here without obligation to inquire about the possibilities.

Classroom training

Join our classroom training sessions and learn alongside fellow students. Benefit from shared experiences and practical examples in a traditional classroom setting. Our trainings are offered at various locations. When you are ready to start, you can sign up for a classroom training directly.

  1. This training includes an extensive lunch, coffee, and tea.
  2. This training will take place with a minimum of 3 (and a maximum of 10) participants.
  3. This training can also be given on-site, feel free to contact us for the applicable rates.


J. Hoogenboom | Athora | score: 4.6 / 5 | 07-08-2024

Gisteren een leuke en leerzame training JMeter gevolgd. Roy kan de stof goed en vol enthousiasme overbrengen. Goede verdeling tussen informatie delen en praktijk oefeningen.

A. Berdnikov | Immune-IT | score: 4.9 / 5 | 26-06-2024

Zeer kwalitatieve, interessante en leerrijke cursus! Goed uitgewerkt, goed gebalanceerd, uitstekende cursus materialen. Kan het warm aanbevelen!

M. Rolle | Immune-IT | score: 4.3 / 5 | 25-04-2024

De performance testing training geeft een goede basis voor mensen met weinig tot geen ervaring hierin. Ik vond het theoretisch gedeelte een meerwaarde. Meestal wordt dit overgeslagen in andere trainingen, maar in dit geval gaf het een duidelijk beeld van 'hoe, wat en waarom'. Natuurlijk werd het theoretische daarna ook aangevuld met voldoende praktische oefeningen. Roy is een goede, geduldige leerkracht die voor elke leerling met vragen of problemen de nodige tijd neemt.

D. de Bruijn | Salves | score: 4.9 / 5 | 27-10-2023

Het was een leerzame training, ik heb van te voren een training gevolgd bij coursera. Alleen was het zeer op de basis gericht en bij Testsmith kreeg je meer diepgang. Daarnaast ook de redenatie om bepaalde methodes toe te passen. Best practices worden ook met name behandeld tijdens de training. Daarnaast is het interpreteren van de data ook een onderdeel van de training.

F. Doggen | Koninklijke Bibliotheek | score: 4.7 / 5 | 26-05-2022

Had graag een iets uitgebreidere handleiding (naslagwerk) bij de training gehad, om e.a. na te kunnen lezen. Maar de linken zijn een handig alternatief.